Deklarashon of Independens
from the "King's English" to
the "Prezident's Amerikan"

Proposal for Exekutiv Akshun bil for Prezident Trump to sien
Sownd it owt! Bai Amerikan. Hier Amerikan. Spel Amerikan!
Impruvd Edukashon thru EZ Twitter Speling for Kids Act
  Wiet Hows Petishon 

King Edward 7 (1910)For censhurees ther hav ben eforts tu simplifi the English languaj.'s_English

But it taeks a bold and strong leeder to maek signifikant chanjes in sosieti
and maeking speling ez-er for futur jenerashons of skool children.

King 's English - vareed with the reining monarks, such as King Edward VII (1901-1910)
If he was a bad speler, evriwun in England went along with his speling.
President's Amerikan - Prezident Trump can chanj the languaj of the USA to Amerikan, with the stroek of a pen, to finalee braek the bonds to England that hav ben in plaes sinss 1776.

Amerikan languaj is mor intuitiv and easi for students to lern.
Stop punishing students hu spel lojikali and fonetikli.
Thei wil be mor inspired to stai in skul and continu their edukashon.
U kan rite as u Tweet in ofishal corespondens.
Creaet meni nu jobs for Amerikan teechers.
Saev printing ink spent on unesesari leters.

Konsistent use of konsonants and vowels
Remuv useles leters
Werds ar speled as thai sound, in the propr  ordr
Amerikan sounds just liek English
Fewer speling mistaeks

Executiv Akshuns rekomendd for President Trump

* Task the Department of Edukashon with establishing nu speling standerds
* Executiv Order for all United.Staets Government agensis to rite al dokuments in Amerikan.
* Spel chekers shud adapt to the nu Amerikan speling standerds.

During the transishon period, we can hav som flexibliti, for exampl:
"C" can continue to have either the "K" or "S" sound if it starts the word.
Otherwiz it wud b dificult to renaem the CIA to SIA for "Sentral Inteligjens Ajensi"

Maik Amerikans grait spelers agen! 
Y can't u b too?
We r thru with "through"

Tu get mor kidz to spel, we shud spel as kidz

Deklarashon of Independens

Wen in the cors of humen events, it becoms necesary for won peepl to disolv the politkal bands wich hav conekted them with another, and to asuum among the powers of the erth, the separat and equal stashon to wich the Laws of Natur and of Natur's God entitl them, a desent respekt to the opinions of mankind requirs that thei shud declar the cawzes wich impel them to the separashon.

Prezident Trump saens Exekutiv Order

Ye Olde King's English

Propozd Fazes for smooth tranzishon

Year Rul Exampls

Elminat unpronounsed vowels and consonants
Legaliz (maek ofishal their use in Government dokuments) werds used in Twiter

thru = thru
R U OK = Are you ok?
2020 Muv traling "e" tu midl weir uzd, and drop silent "e"
Leters r pronownsd in the order thae r spoken - no "e" at end having influens
Maek = make

Maek Amerikan Spelers Graet Agen!

Let's spel as we did as kids agen!
We wer rite the first time awl along.

Waet Hows Petishon

Prezident Trump reeds and saens Exekutive Orders on Aer Fors Wun
Teeching kidz the nu wae for Speling Werds in Amerikan

Amerikan Speling Asosiashun
1629  Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC  20006
202-980-7200 x3
Lobeeing Congres for Modern and Ez Speling for the nu jenerashon of Amerikan kidz


Spel Cheked with Mikrosoft Werd
Maed in Amerika